Raven is a sweet, affectionate buff-colored cocker spaniel, born in July 2015. She weighs 18 lbs and is very athletic and agile. She has been quickly learning how to be a good dog in her foster home. Her housetraining is going very well and she loves to go for walks.
Raven is still getting used to the outside world and is fearful and reactive to certain things. Her foster home is gradually exposing her to new situations, and she is making progress. She loves to spot birds, squirrels and bunnies. She is very food motivated and she has a strong desire to please her humans. Raven has learned to sit for treats and is starting to offer her paw to shake for the treat. And she will come when called in from our fenced yard, because she associates treats and praise when she comes quickly.
She sleeps in her own soft, fluffy bed, but occasionally will want to cuddle in bed with you. She likes to go into her open ex-pen to sleep or chew on a treat.
Her forever home should be one that is relatively quiet, without a lot of outside distractions. She loves her humans a little too much and should be an only dog. Also, should be a home without children. She is doing well with visiting adults, not too much barking, and will lay down quietly. Raven also needs a fenced in yard.
She has adapted to the household routine easily, knowing when it is time to eat, go outside to potty, and is ready for bed at 9 PM every night.
Her favorite things are soft beds, treats when she comes in from going potty, her meals, and neck rubs and scratches. She will stand so still to get harnessed up for her walks. It didn’t take her very long to figure out that good things will follow.
***Raven needs a fenced in yard***
If interested in adopting Raven, apply at https://www.atailtotell.com/adopt/